Experience the Warm Embrace of Healing

Surrender to the restorative touch of Fire Cupping, an age-old therapy reimagined by Dr. Nancy Alicea to offer:

  • Revitalizing Circulation: Embrace the warmth that promotes enhanced blood flow and invigorates your body’s natural repair processes.
  • Deep Tissue Awakening: Experience a profound release as the therapy reaches deep into your tissues, easing tension and fostering recovery.
  • Holistic Detoxification: Participate in a therapeutic detox that not only refreshes the body but also clears the mind, instilling a deep sense of renewal.

Appointment fee: $150

Combination of acupuncture and fire cupping: $190

Excellence in


Step into our state-of-the-art wellness experience and embark on a journey of transformation. Our wellness center is thoughtfully designed to create a serene and comfortable environment where you can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Whether you’re seeking to revitalize your body, refresh your mind, or enhance your natural beauty, our wellness center is your haven of choice. Join us in exploring the perfect fusion of science and serenity, and experience a profound sense of well-being like never before.

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